First Tree Plaza

Park design and renewal project for First Tree Plaza, a park located at UBC by the geography building

Ask almost any UBC student where or what First Tree Plaza is and they won’t have an answer. This is why I choose to place a lofted hangout space in the area between the mathematics and geography buildings for my park design project. Currently, there is an open patch of grass located behind the geography building which is doing nothing socially or aesthetically for the “park”. My installation will be both aesthetically pleasing in its earthy look, as well as socially intriguing in its communal form. The high spirited tree-house-like structure will bring back memories of childhood and innocence. Further, visitors will be able to enjoy the installation knowing it is a sustainable project constructed using timber. This also adds an ecological component to the project, since wood is a sustainable building material which traps CO2, rather than emitting it. Additionally, the green roof of the structure will take in CO2 and release oxygen. Adding a lofted space which encourages social interactions will bring a sense of community to First Tree Park. Rather than just walking through the area between classes, UBC students will be drawn to the park and encouraged to ascend the stairs or ladder up to the hangout space. Once in the hangout space, visitors gain a bird's eye view of campus and an outlook towards the ocean on clear days. Even on rainy days, the green roof will provide shelter to those in the fort and the floor will provide shelter to those who are standing below it. On top of that, the fort will include tire swings, promoting a carefree environment for visitors who wish to clear their minds between classes. Overall, the installation will bring together social, aesthetic and ecological benefits to produce an inviting and playful space for UBC visitors.

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