Professional Development and Experience Within GEOB 270

A short summary of the skills, projects and knowledge that I gained throughout my geographic information science course, GEOB 270, at UBC.

Why is there always distortion in maps? What areas within Vancouver will be affected by sea level rise in the next 50 years? How can a map help me to understand different social phenomena? Because of my experiences in GEOB 270 and the skills I have gained throughout the course, I feel that I can confidently answer these questions. After taking this class, I feel that I have a good understand of GIS software, as well as the ability to deal with multiple data sets. I am very pleased and surprised by the amount of knowledge I have gained in this course which has helped me to better understand everyday applications such a Google Maps. As a result, I have been able to grasp the theoretical underpinnings as well as the ethical implications of Geographical Information Science (GIS). I am excited to continue using GIS and GIS software throughout my future studies in geography.

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