Shrink Space

A creative project aimed at creating a future product or service that makes an everyday living more sustainable.

Shrink Space™

According to the World Wildlife Fund, habitat loss and destruction is the greatest threat to species all around the world. Cities are expanding and natural landscapes are being cleared for roads, farming, agriculture and housing. The human population is growing at an increasingly rapid rate and is expected to hit eleven billion by the end of the century meaning cities will expand even further leaving less space for wildlife and nature.

Luckily our new technological product Shrink Space™ will help reduce the living space occupied by houses to the size of a small room on the outside but can hold interiors of up to 10,000 square feet. With our advanced technology Shrink Space™ the human population will occupy less land space allowing for more natural ecosystems and a decrease in endangered species. Plants trap in carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen during photosynthesis, with more vegetation in the space previously occupied by houses our ecological footprint could be drastically reduced.


“Impact of habitat loss on species.” WWF,


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